Sunday, November 2, 2014

Is "space travel" in our future?

        According to Virgin Galactic's, space travel could be in our future. However, Many people are doubting that this fantasy will ever happen. This is due to safety precautions. Many are criticizing the company. Chris Taylor at Mashable explains how This shouldn't even be called space tourism. He states that "...these people should be called space pioneers.Is not tourism." I believe that this was just a simple falter. Everyone must fail at sometime to succeed. Therefore, Virgin Galactic's has announced that it will be a hefty $250,000 to aboard a space shuttle in the future. Several people have already bought tickets to go to space, such as Justin Bieber, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ashton Kutcher. If I had this kind of money, I certainly would be on the list as well. 


  1. Wow! I never knew that this was or ever would be a possibility! This seems a little out there but then again so did colored television, phones with no cords, even any way of communication besides letters. The only thing that doesn’t make sense about this though to me is that it takes so much time in space to get to places or even just blast off, wouldn't it make more sense just to stick with airplanes and jets? But this is still a cool concept, if I could fly from Georgia to London in two hours my mind would be blown.

  2. You mentioned, “space travel could be in our future”. I like this proposal of space travel. It would be fun to be able to experience a liftoff and going in to outer space. I am sure the food will be different from what we are use to eating. Also, it would be so cool to be able to be able to float in outer space where there is no gravity. If I had $250,000, I would definitely sign up to go. Do you think space travel will include going to other planets or just getting the opportunity to go to space?
