Monday, October 20, 2014

Ebola Travelers

        As many of you know, Ebola has became a great problem in our world today. The Ebola virus is extremely contagious. It is also mainly found in West Africa. Therefore, it has been diffused across the world by travel. In reaction to this deadly epidemic, many people are suggesting to ban travel form West Africa. However, travel bans in the pass haven't worked, such as the travel ban due to AIDs in 1987 issued by Ronald Reagan. I believe this travel ban could work. We have much better technology now than we use to. Now we could regulate who got on the plane or ship.
       When being interviewed by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Barack Obama stated this: "I don't have a philosophical objection to a travel ban if that is the thing that is going to keep the American people safe ... A travel ban is less effective than the measures we are currently instituting."


  1. Why would you want a travel ban? I don't want to be told by the government that I can't get on an airplane an go somewhere just because of a virus that if I know enough about I probably won't get. Currently, there have only been how many reported cases in the US? 2. I don't think I complete ban on traveling is necessary. It would only cost money and cause problems.

  2. I see both sides of how this travel ban would work, it would definitely stop more people than there already are from getting this disease. But it would not stop the problem, it is already spreading more than just west Africa, and not only that, but it is a death sentence for everyone there without Ebola and we couldn’t treat them, that means that after a while everyone could die and then the disease would just be there and then nobody could ever go to Africa, I know this is a slippery slope, but it is still possible. Not to mention, the point of an airplane is so that we can go places and if we have a travel ban then it defeats the purpose. So over all I am against having a travel ban.
